© National Instruments Corporation A-1 NI 7340 User Manual


This appendix lists the hardware and software performance specifications
for the PXI/PCI-7340. Hardware specifications are typical at 25 °C, unless
otherwise stated.

Servo Performance

PID update rate range.............................62.5 µs to 5 ms/sample
Maximum PID update rate..............62.5 µs/axis
4-axis PID update rate.....................250 µs total
Multi-axis synchronization.................... <1 update sample
Position accuracy
Encoder feedback............................±1 quadrature count
Analog feedback............................. ±1 LSB
Double-buffered trajectory parameters
Absolute position range.................. ±231 counts
Maximum relative move size..........±231 counts
Velocity range.................................1 to ±20,000,000 counts/s
Acceleration/deceleration1..............±512,000,000 counts/s2
S-Curve time range......................... 1 to 32,767 samples
Following error range..................... 1 to 32,767 counts and disabled
Gear ratio........................................ ±32,767:1 to ±1:32,767
Servo control loop modes...................... PID, PIVff, S-Curve, Dual Loop
PID (Kp, Ki, and Kd) gains............ 0 to 32,767
Integration limit (Ilim).................... 0 to 32,767
Derivative sample period (Td)........ 1 to 63 samples
Feedforward (Aff, Vff) gains..........0 to 32,767
Velocity feedback (Kv) gain...........0 to 32,767
1 Assumes a PID update rate of 250 µs and a 2,000-count encoder.