NI 7340 User Manual G-8
relative position destination or target position for motion specified with respect to the
current location regardless of its value
relative position mode position relative to current position
ribbon cable flat cable in which the conductors are side by side
RPM revolutions per minute—units for velocity
RPSPS or RPS/S revolutions per second squared—units for acceleration and deceleration
RTR Ready to Receive
Ss seconds
servo specifies an axis that controls a servo motor
stepper specifies an axis that controls a stepper motor
stepper <1..4>
Dir (CCW)
direction output or counter-clockwise direction control
stepper <1..4>
Step (CW)
stepper pulse output or clockwise direction control
Ttoggle changing state from high to low, back to high, and so on
torque force tending to produce rotation
trapezoidal profile typical motion trajectory, where a motor accelerates up to the programmed
velocity using the programmed acceleration, traverses at the programmed
velocity, then decelerates at the programmed acceleration to the target
trigger any event that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL transistor-transistor logic