© National Instruments Corporation G-3 NI 7340 User Manual
byte eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also used to denote
the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
CCCW coun ter-clockwise—implies direction of rotation of the motor
closed-loop motion system that uses a feedback device to provide position and velocity
data for status reporting and accurately controlling position and velocity
common reference signal for digital I/O
CPU central processing unit
crosstalk unwanted signal on one channel due to an input on a different channel
CSR Communications Status Register
CW clockwise—implies direction of motor rotation
DD/A digital-to-analog
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DC direct current
dedicated assigned to a particular function
DGND digital ground signal
digital I/O port group of digital input/output signals
DIP dual inline package
DLL dynamic link library—provides the API for the motion control boards
drivers software that communicates commands to control a specific motion control
DSP Digital Signal Processor