Chapter1 Introduction
PXI-PCI8330 Series User Manual 1-2 www.ni.com
Software Transparency
Becausethe MXI-3 system is a PCI-PCIbridge , all devices on the system
appearas local devices in a single PCI system. You do not need to rewrite
your device drivers for operation on a MXI-3 system.
High Performance
MXI-3 supportsw ritep ostingand read prefetching to enhance
performance. MXI-3 buffers and retimes the signals between the buses,
maintaining the tight timing and high performance PCI requires.
What You Need to Get StartedTo set up and use your MXI-3 system, you need the following:
❑TwoPXI MXI-3 cards or a PXI MXI-3 card and a PCI MXI-3 card
❑Copperor fiber-optic MXI-3 cable
❑Documentation—SetUp Your MXI-3 System and Getting Started with
Your MXI-3 System
❑Primary bus—Ac omputer with a PCI backplane, or a PXI embedded
controller in a PXI/CompactPCI chassis
❑Secondary bus—APXI/CompactPCI chassis
❑Software—MXI-3 Software Installation Diskette for
Windows 2000/NT4/9x
UnpackingYourMXI-3 cards are shipped in antistatic packages to prevent
electrostaticdamage to the devices. To avoid such damage in handling the
device, take the following precautions:
1. Ground yourself with a grounding strap or by holding a grounded
2. Before removing the devicefrom the package, tou ch the antistatic
packageto a metal part of your computer chassis.
Caution Nevert ouch the exposedpins of conn ectors. Doing so may damage the device.