PXI-PCI8330 Series User Manual G-2
clock hardwarecomponent t hat controls timing for reading from or writing to
counter/timer aci rcuit that counts external pulses or clock pulses (timing)
device A plug-in instrumentcard o r pad thatcan contain m ultiplechannels and
conversiondevices. Plug-in boards and PCMCIA cards, which connects to
your computer parallel port, are examples of devices.
digital trigger aTTL level signal having two discrete levels—a high and a low level
DMA directmemory access—amethod by which data can be transferred to/from
computer memory from/to a deviceo r memory on the buswhile the
processor does something else. DMA is the fastest method of transferring
data to/from computer memory.
IEEE Instituteof Electrical andElectronics Engineers
MITE MXI Interfaces To Everything—a custom ASIC designed by National
Instrumentsthat implements the PCI bus interface. The MITE supports bus
mastering for high speed data transfers overthe PCI bus.
PCI PeripheralComponent Interconnect—a hi gh-performance expansionbus
architecture originallydeveloped by Intel to replace ISA and EISA. It is
achievingwidespread acceptance as a standard for PCs and workstations;
it offersa theoretical maximum transfer rate of 1 32 Mbytes/s.