Chapter3 HardwareOverview
PXI-PCI8330 Series User Manual 3-6 www.ni.com
Ify ou require lengths greater than 30 meters in fiber optic cable, contact
MolexInc. or Methode Electronics, Inc., cable vendors for National
Instruments. The fiber-opticcables offeredby Molex are multimode,
62.5/125 µm cables with a duplex,zipcord, 3.0 ×6.5 mm, OFNR cable
construction.The connector st yle is SC Duplex with a multimode, ceramic
Contact Molexthrough its Web site at http://www.molex.com,orat
MolexIncorporated , 2222 WellingtonCourt, Lisle IL 60532-1682, USA,
ContactMethode Electronics,Inc. through itsWeb site at
http://www.methode.com,or at Methode Electronics Inc.,7444 West
WilsonAvenue, Chicago IL 60706, USA, 1-800-323-6858, 708-867-9600,
Table3-2. Molex and Methode MXI-3 Fiber-Optic Cables
Cable Length (meters) MolexPart Number Methode Part Number
60m MXBBA-FGA-FGA-M060-A000-A000 C4-D45-060m-auni
xxxmMXBBA-FGA-FGA-Mxxx-A000-A000 C4-D45-xxxm-auni