323617A-01 May 2003
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FieldPoint Operating Instructions


Eight-Channel SPST Relay Module

These operating instructions describe how to install and use the
National Instruments cFP-RLY-421 relay module. For details on
configuring and accessing the cFP-RLY-421 over a network, refer
to the user manual for the FieldPoint network module you are
The cFP-RLY-421 is a Compact FieldPoint relay output module
with the following features:
Eight single-pole single-throw (SPST) relay channels
Switching capacity 1.5 A at 35 VDC or 250 VAC
LED relay status indicators
Hot swappable
–40 to 60 °C operation
250 Vrms maximum isolation voltage
2,300 Vrms transient overvoltage protection
Power Requirement
The cFP-RLY-421 is powered by the FieldPoint network module
through the backplane bus. The cFP-RLY-421 is a high-power
consumption module, which may limit the number of I/O modules
that you can connect to a single network module.