National Instruments Corporation xi DAQCard E Series User Manual




This manual describes the electrical and mechanical aspects of each
card in the DAQCard E Series product line and contains information
concerning their operation and programming. Unless otherwise noted,
text applies to all cards in the DAQCard E Series.
The DAQCard E Series includes the following cards:
• DAQCard-AI-16E-4
• DAQCard-AI-16XE-50
The DAQCard E Series cards are high-performance multifunction
analog, digital, and timing I/O cards for computers with PCMCIA slots
compliant with rev. 2.1 of the PCMCIA specifications. Supported
functions include analog input, analog output, digital I/O, and timing
Organization of This Manual
DAQCard E Series User Manual
is organized as follows:
Chapter 1,
, describes the DAQCard E Series cards,
lists what you need to get started, describes the optional software
and optional equipment, and explains how to unpack your
DAQCard E Series card.
Chapter 2,
Installation and Configuration
, explains how to install
and configure your DAQCard E Series card.
Chapter 3,
Hardware Overview
, presents an overview of the
hardware functions on your DAQCard E Series card.
• Chapter
Signal Connections
, describes how to make input and
output signal connections to your DAQCard E Series card via the
DAQCard I/O connector.
Chapter 5,
discusses the
calibration procedures for
your DAQCard E Series card.
Appendix A,
, lists the specifications for each
DAQCard in the DAQCard E Series.
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