National Instruments Corporation E-1 DAQCard E Series User Manual

Power-Management Modes

This appendix describes the power-management modes of the
DAQCard E Series cards.
Normal Mode—This is the normal operating mode of the
DAQCard E Series cards in which all the circuits are fully
functional. See the specifications for each DAQCard in
Appendix A for power consumption in the normal mode. The
DAQCard is automatically configured for normal mode upon
Power-Down Mode—In this mode, the digital circuitry is powered
on and is functional. The analog input circuit is powered down by
setting the PWRDOWN bit in the PCMCIA Card Configuration and
Status Register. You can set the PWRDOWN bit by using the
utility that is shipped with NI-DAQ. Use
to power down and
to power up the
DAQCard E Series cards. Power-down mode is specified to draw
less than 100 mA from the 5 V supply (500 mW). See the power
consumption specifications in Appendix A for exact values. The
DAQCard is automatically configured for normal mode upon
National Instruments strongly recommends that you power down your
DAQCard when you are not actively using it. Doing so will greatly extend
your computer’s battery life.
Table E-1 shows the effects of different power-management modes on
the DAQCard E Series circuits.
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