© National Instruments Corp. 15 FP-PWM-520 and cFP-PWM-520
Shock and VibrationThese specifications apply only to the cFP-PWM-520.
NIrecommends Compact FieldPoint if your application is
subjectto shock and vibration.
Operating vibration, random
(IEC 60068-2-64)..............................10–500 Hz, 5 grms
Operating vibration, sinusoidal
(IEC 60068-2-6)................................10–500 Hz, 5 g
Operating shock
(IEC 60068-2-27)..............................50 g, 3 ms half sine,
18shocks at 6 orientations;
30 g, 11 ms half sine,
18shocks at 6 orientations
Hazardous LocationsU.S. (UL)................................ ..........Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, D, T4;
Class I, Zone 2,
Canada (C-UL)......................... ........Class I, Division 2,
GroupsA, B, C, D, T4;
Class I, Zone 2,
Ex nC IIC T4
Europe (DEMKO).............................Ex nC IIC T4
SafetyThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following
standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, andlaboratory use:
• IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
• UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1
Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the
product label or visit ni.com/certification, search
by model number or product line, and click the
appropriate link in the Certification column.