wibic–Windows Interface Bus Interactive Control Utility Chapter 5
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows 5-8 © National Instruments Corp.
wibic Syntax for NI-488.2 RoutinesTable 5-3 summarizes the syntax of NI-488.2 routines in wibic. v represents a number
and string represents a string. address represents an address, and addrlist
represents a list of addresses separated by commas. For more information about the
routine parameters, use the wibic help feature or refer to the NI-488.2 Function
Reference Manual for DOS/Windows.
Table 5-3. Syntax for NI-488.2 Routines in wibic
Routine Syntax Description
AllSpoll addrlist Serial poll multiple devices
DevClear address Clear a device
DevClearList addrlist Clear multiple devices
EnableLocal addrlist Enable local control
EnableRemote addrlist Enable remote control
FindLstn padlist v Find all Listeners
FindRQS addrlist Find device asserting SRQ
PassControl address Pass control to a device
PPoll Parallel poll devices
PPollConfig address v v Configure device for parallel poll
PPollUnconfig addrlist Unconfigure device for parallel poll
RcvRespMsg v v Receive response message
ReadStatusByte address Serial poll a device
Receive address v v Receive data from a device
ReceiveSetup address Receive setup
ResetSys addrlist Reset multiple devices
Send address string v Send data to a device
SendCmds string Send command bytes
SendDataBytes buffer vSend data bytes
SendIFC Send interface clear
SendList addrlist string v Send data to multiple devices
SendLLO Put devices in local lockout
SendSetup addrlist Send setup
Set 488.2 v Enter 488.2 mode for board v