Calibratingthe NI 5102 with Calibration Executive 2 ni.com
IntroductionThis document contains information and step-by-step instructions for
loading and running the calibration procedure for the NI 5102 using
Calibration Executive.
What Is Calibration?
Calibration consistsof verifying themeasurement accuracy of a device
and correctingfor any measurement error. Verificatio n ismeasuring the
performance of a device and comparing the results to the factory
specifications ofthe device. National Instruments calibrates every 5102
deviceat the factory. During the factory calibration process, the calibration
constantsare stored on the EEPROM. These values are loaded from
memory and usedas needed by the device.
Why Should You Calibrate?
The accuracyof electronic components driftswith time and temperature,
which canaffect measurement accuracy as the device ages. Calibration
restoresyour device to its specified accuracy and ensures that it still meets
National Instruments standards.
How Often Should YouCalibrate?
The measurement accuracy requirements of your application determine
how often you should externally calibrate your NI 5102 device.
National Instruments recommends that you perform a complete
calibration at least once every year. You can shorten this interval to
90 days or six months based on the demands of your application.
Youcan also use the verification procedure at a regular interval to
determine if your oscilloscope needs adjustment.