NI 6509 User Guide and Specifications 2
The NI 6509 device is completely software configurable, so it is not
necessary to set jumpers for I/O configuration.
The PCI-6509 device is fully compliant with the PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 2.2, and the PXI-6509 device is fully compliant
with the PXI Hardware Specification, Revision 2.1. The PCI/PXI system
automatically allocates all device resources, including the base address
and interrupt level. The device base address is mapped into PCI memory
space. It is not necessary to perform configuration steps after the system
powers up.
Refer to the application software documentation for configuration
After the NI 6509 device and the software are installed, the DAQ device
appears under the Devices and Interfaces branch of the MAX
configuration tree.
If the DAQ device does not appear in MAX, use the following
troubleshooting guidelines.
Verify that you are using the correct version of NI-DAQ (NI-DAQ 7.1
or later). To download the most recent National Instruments drivers, go
Press <F5> to refresh the MAX window, or close and re-open MAX.
Reboot the computer.
Power off and unplug the computer or chassis, and install the device in
a different slot. Refer to the DAQ Getting Started Guide for installation
instructions and safety guidelines.
NI PCI-6509 devices must be installed into a slot that provides 3.3 V.
Check that the 3.3 V LED (reference designator DS1—located on the
visible edge of the underside of the installed device) is lit. If not, check
that the PC motherboard provides 3.3 V to the PCI bus.