© National Instruments Corporation 79 NI cDAQ-9172 User Guide and Specifications
Debounce filter settings......................... Selectable per input:
125 ns, 6.425 µs, 2.56 ms, disable,
high and low transitions
Timing input frequency..........................0 to 20 MHz
Timing output frequency........................0 to 20 MHz
General-Purpose Counter/Timers (Slots 5 and 6 Only)1Number of counter/timers...................... 2
Resolution.............................................. 32 bits
Counter measurements...........................Edge counting, pulse,
semi-period, period,
two-edge separation
Position measurements...........................X1, X2, X4 quadrature encoding
with Channel Z reloading;
two-pulse encoding
Output applications................................ Pulse, pulse train with dynamic
updates, frequency division,
equivalent time sampling
Internal base clocks................................80 MHz, 20 MHz, 100 kHz
External base clock frequency............... 0 to 20 MHz
Base clock accuracy............................... 50 ppm
Output frequency....................................0 to 20 MHz
Inputs......................................................Gate, Source, HW_Arm, Aux,
A, B, Z, Up_Down
Routing options for inputs......................Any PFI, analog trigger,
manyinternal signals
FIFO.......................................................2 samples
Data transfers......................................... High-speed data stream,
programmed I/O
1 Requires correlated digital I/O modules installed in the appropriate slot(s).