Chapter 4 Digital I/O Functionality
© National Instruments Corporation 4-11 NI CVS-1450 Series User Manual
Configure the watchdog timer to take one of the following actions when it
Caution Use the Indicator Only option only to test the watchdog timer. If software
becomes unresponsive, it cannot be relied upon to send notification to the host.
•Indicator Only—This option sends the expiration signal back to the
development machine through software. True indicates an expired
watchdog timer. False indicates an unexpired watchdog timer. The
expiration signal that indicates an expired watchdog timer continues to
assert until the watchdog timer is disarmed. Disarming the watchdog
timer resets the I/O.
•TTL Output 0—This option outputs a signal on TTL Output0. A
High on TTL Output 0 indicates that the watchdog timer has expired.
Low indicates that it has not expired. If the watchdog timer has
expired, the expiration signal continues to assert until the watchdog
timer is disarmed.
•System Shutdown—This option halts the CVS-1450 device operation
and turns the POWER OK LED red. If Shutdown mode is enabled, the
outputs go to the user-defined shutdown states.
Table4-4 summarizes how user configuration affects the shutdown
OverheatOperating the CVS-1450 device outside of its temperature specifications
may cause the CVS-1450 device to overheat. Refer to AppendixB,
Specifications, for temperature specifications.
In the event of an overheat, all CVS-1450 device operation halts and the
POWEROK LED turns red. If Shutdown mode is enabled, the outputs
goto the user-defined shutdown states.