© National Instruments Corporation A-1 NI PXIe-1075 User Manual
This appendix contains specifications for the NI PXIe-1075 chassis.
Caution Specifications are subject to change without notice.
AC Input
Input voltage rating ................................ 100 to 120 VAC,
220 to 240 VAC
Operating voltage range1........................ 90 to 120 VAC,
200 to 264 VAC
Input current rating................................. 12 A, 6 A
Input frequency ...................................... 50/60 Hz
Over-current protection.......................... 15 A circuit breaker
Line regulation
3.3 V................................................ <±0.2%
5 V................................................... <±0.1%
±12 V .............................................. <±0.1%
Efficiency ............................................... 70% typical
1 The operating range is guaranteed by design.