National Instruments Corporation G-9 PCI-6023E/6024E/6025E User Manual
LLabVIEW laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench
LED light-emitting diode
library a file containing compiled object modules, each comprised of one of more
functions, that can be linked to other object modules that make use of these
functions. NIDAQMSC.LIB is a library that contains NI-DAQ functions.
The NI-DAQ function set is broken down into object modules so that only
the object modules that are relevant to your application are linked in, while
those object modules that are not relevant are not linked.
linearity the adherence of device response to the equation R = KS, where
R = response, S = stimulus, and K = a constant
LSB least significant bit
MMIO multifunction I/O
MITE MXI Interface to Everything—a custom ASIC designed by National
Instruments that implements the PCI bus interface. The MITE supports bus
mastering for high-speed data transfers over the PCI bus.
MS million samples
MSB most significant bit
mux multiplexer—a switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially
connects each of its inputs to its output, typically at high speeds, in order to
measure several signals with a single analog input channel
NNC normally closed, or not connected
NI-DAQ National Ins truments driver software for DAQ hardware Page 9 Wednesday, September 16, 1998 9:09 AM