© National Instruments Corporation I-3 SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual
signal descriptions (table), 2-3
front signal connector
pin assignments (figure), 2-2
functional overview of SCXI-1141. See theory
of operation
Ggain and offset correction, 4-4
See also calibration
gain register, 4-3
gain/input range, configuration, 3-1
ground-offset AC-coupled signal connection
(figure), 2-6
ground-referenced signal connections
AC-coupled (figure), 2-5
Hhardware, SCXI-1141/1142/1143, 1-2
Iinput amplifiers. See amplifiers
application software, 1-4
NI-DAQ, 1-4
removing SCXI-1141/1142/1143 from
SCXI chassis, B-1
SCXI using NI-DAQmx, 1-5
SCXI-1141/1142/1143, 1-4
instrumentation amplifiers. See amplifiers
LLabVIEW, 1-2
developing an application, 5-7
programming a task (table), 5-8
software, 1-2
using a NI-DAQmx channel property
node, 5-9
LabWindows/CVI, 1-2
creating code for using
SCXI-11141/1142/1143, 5-11
lowpass filters, 4-5
DC-correction circuitry, 4-15
external clock input, 4-14
filter bypass mode, 4-16
filter theory, 4-5
overload recovery, 4-15
performance of SCXI-1141 filters
magnitude response, 4-6
phase response, 4-8
response to step input (figure), 4-6
SCXI-1141/1142/1143 as antialiasing
filter, 4-12
setting cutoff frequency, 4-11
specifications, A-2
transfer function characteristics
Mmagnitude response, SCXI-1141/1142/1143
filters, 4-6
typical magnitude response (figure), 4-7
typical passband response (figure), 4-8
Measurement & Automation Explorer
(MAX), B-1
configurable settings, 3-2
removing modules, B-1
self-test verification
troubleshooting, 1-5
measurement properties, NI-DAQmx
current (table), 5-6
RTD (table), 5-6
thermistor (table), 5-6
thermocouple (table), 5-5
voltage (table), 5-4