About This Manual
VXI-SC-1102/B/C User Manual x
National Instruments Corporation
• Chapter 4, Th eory of Operation, contains a functional overview of
the VXI-SC-1102/B/C submodules and explains the operation of
each functional unit.
• Chapter 5, Calibration, discusses the calibration pr ocedures for the
VXI-SC-1102/B/C submodules.
• Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications for the
VXI-SC-1102/B/C submodules.
• Appendix B, Calibration Sample Program, contains a sample
program to help you calibrate your submodule.
• Appendix C, Customer Communication, contains forms you can
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on
our products.
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms
used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronyms, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, symbols, and general data acquisition terms.
•The Index contains an alphabetical list of key terms and topics in
this manual, including the page where you can find each one.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual.
< > Angle brackets containing numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a
range of values associated with a port, bit, or sign al name (for examp le,
ACH<0..7> stands for the signals ACH0 through ACH7).
♦The ♦ symbol indicates that the text following it applies only to specific
VXI-SC-1102 modules.
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a note, which alerts
you to important information.
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a caution, which
advises you of precautions to take to avoid injury, data loss, or a
system crash.
This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a warning, which
advises you of precautions to take to avoid being electrically shocked.
bold ital ic Bold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
italic Italic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept.
monospace Denotes text or characters that are to be literally input from the
keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax