© National Instruments Corporation C-1 VXI-USB User Manual
CAdvanced Hardware
Configuration Settings
This appendix describes the alternate hardware configuration settings of the
VXI-USB. The board is set at the factory forthe most commonly used
configuration. Use this appendix if you want to try a different hardware
configuration or if you would like more information on a particular setting.
This information is intended for more advanced users.
The following hardware configuration settings are user configurable.
• Firmware recovery
• VXIbus CLK10 routing
• Trigger input termination
For the configuration switch locations and default settings, see Figure B-1,
VXI-USB Hardware Default Settings.
Note Do not attempt an alternate setting unless you are familiar with its purpose.
In addition, do not reconfigure any switches or jumpers not described in this appendix
unless directed by National Instruments support.
Firmware Recovery
The VXI-USB has an onboard EEPROM and flash memory that stores
default hardware behaviors loaded at power-on.
The Firmware Recovery Setting switch (S1) causes the VXI-USB to boot
from the firmware image stored on the host. This is useful in the event that
the onboard firmware memory becomes corrupted in such a way that the
VXI-USB boots to an unusable state.
Figure C-1 shows the configuration settings for firmware recovery