VXI-USB User Manual G-8
Slot 0 device A device configured for installation in Slot 0 of a VXIbus mainframe. This
device is unique in the VXIbus system in that it performs the VXI/VMEbus
System Controller functions, including clock sourcing and arbitration for
data transfers across the backplane. Installing such a device into any other
slot can damage the device, the VXIbus backplane, orboth.
SMB Sub Miniature Type B connector that features a snap coupling for fast
statically configured
A device whose logical address cannot be set through software; that is, it is
not dynamically configurable.
SYSFAIL A VMEbus signal that is used by a device to indicate an internal failure.
A failed device asserts this line. In VXI, a device that fails also clears its
PASSed bit in its Status register.
trigger Either TTL or ECL lines used for intermodule communication.
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
USB Universal Serial Bus—a serial bus for connecting computers to keyboards,
printers, and other peripheral devices.
V volts
VIC VXI Interactive Control program, a part of the NI-VXI bus interface
software. Used to program VXI devices and develop and debug VXI
application programs.
VISA Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. This is the general name given
to VISA and its associated architecture.
VISAIC VISA Interactive Control program, a part of the NI-VISA software.
Used to program devices and develop and debug application programs.
VITA VMEbus International Trade Association