© National Instruments Corporation G-1 Getting Started with Your VXIpc-850


Prefix Meaning Value
n-nano- 10-9
µ- micro- 10-6
m- milli- 10-3
K- kilo- 103
M mega- 106
G- giga- 109
A16 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 64 KB short
address space. In VXI, the upper 16 KB of A16 space is
allocated for use by VXI devices configuration registers. This
16 KB region is referred to as VXI configuration space.
A24 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 16 MB standard
address space.
A32 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 4 GB extended
address space.
address Character code that identifies a specific location (or series of
locations) in memory.