www.national.com 10 (Confidential) Revision 0.2
LMX9820ADEV: LMX9820A Simply Blue Module Kit User’s Guide
2.2 AUSTIN DAUGHTERBOARD SUMMARYThe Austin Rev. 1 Daughterboard is populated with a 12 MHz crystal. Reference the schematic, BOM, and board for more
details. Table 2-17 lists the primary devices on the board and Table 2-18 lists the connectors and headers.
2.2.1 J2 Test Point Header
J2 is a 2-pin test point header for internal use only.
2.2.2 J4 Test Point Header
J4 is a 5-pin test point header for different voltage rails on
the board.
2.2.3 J7 Test Point Header
J7 is a 2-pin test point header for a 32.768 kHz crystal.
2.2.4 J26 Test Point Header
J26 is a 10-pin test point header for the CCB interface, TR
Switch, Reset#, and BBCLK. These are provided for debug
Table 2-17. Austin Daughterboard Device SummaryDevice # Name
U1 National LMX9820A Serial Port Module - Reference the device datasheet.
Y1 12 MHz Crystal - Reference the crystal device datasheet and the LMX9820A datasheet for details.
Y2 32.768 kHz Crystal for low power modes - Reference the crystal device datasheet and the LMX9820A
datasheet for more details.
Table 2-18. Connector and Header SummaryConnector/Header # Name Details
J1 50-pin Connector to Texas Motherboard Table 2-23 on page 11
J2 2-pin Test Point Table 2-19 on page 10
J3 SMA TX/RX Signal Figure 2-3 on page 11
J4 5-pin Test Point Table 2-20 on page 10
J5 SMA Optional External Clock Figure 2-4 on page 11
J7 32.768 kHz 2-pin Test Point Table 2-21 on page 10
J26 10-pin Test Point Table 2-22 on page 10
Table 2-19. J2 Pin AssignmentsPin # Signal Name Description
1Reset_5100 Reset to baseband - internal use only
2P12 Test Point - internal use only
Table 2-20. J4 Pin AssignmentsPin # Signal Name Description
1IOVCC Test point for IOVCC
2VCC Test point for VCC
3VDD_ANA_OUT Analog LDO output test point
4VDD_DIG_PWR_D# Digital LDO power down test
5VDD_DIG_OUT Digital LDO power output test
Table 2-21. J6 Pin AssignmentPin # Signal Name Description
132.768 kHz + 32.768 kHz crystal
232.768 kHz - 32.768 kHz crystal
Table 2-22. J26 Pin AssignmentPin # Signal Name Description
1GND Ground
2BBCLK 12 Mhz Baseband Clock Test Point
3CCB_LATCH Serial Data Latch Test Point
4TX_RX_SYNC Test Point - internal use only
5SDAT Serial Data Test Point
6RF_DATA Test Point - internal use only
7CCB_CLOCK Serial Data Clock Test Point
8RESET# Reset - active low
9TR_SWITCH TR Switch Test Point
10 TX_RX_CLOCK Test Point - internal use only