www.national.com 8 (Confidential) Revision 0.2
LMX9820ADEV: LMX9820A Simply Blue Module Kit User’s Guide
2.1.1 Schmitt Trigger for POR (Power On Reset)
A Schmitt Trigger for POR has been added to the Texas
Motherboard to allow control of delay between VCC/IOVCC
and RESET#. A minimum of 2 ms is required between
VCC/IOVCC at rail and RESET# transition from low to high
to have proper startup of the module.
2.1.2 P3 DP9 Serial Connector
P3 is a DP9 serial port connector that interfaces to the
LMX9820A’s full duplex UART. It supports up to 921.6 kbps
transfer rates. Refer to Table 2-4 for selecting and setting
the UART and transfer rate.
2.1.3 JP1 JTAG Connector
JP1 is a JTAG based serial on-chip debug interface. The
JTAG interface allows the user fast program code download
into the on-chip Flash program memory (e.g., firmware
updates could be done via this interface).
2.1.4 J4 Test Points and General Purpose Output
J4 is a test point header and general purpose output con-
nector. Test points are for internal use only and general
purpose outputs are not currently utilized, not configured in
2.1.5 J5 USB Connector
Note: Not used for LMX9820A.
J5 is a USB (female), PCB mounting, 90° angled connector
that interfaces with the USB transport layer in baseband.
The on-chip USB module is compatible with USB specifica-
tions v1.0 and 1.1.
2.1.6 Mode Selection/ISP (In-System Programming)
Configuration Header
Programming of the internal Flash can either be done over
the JTAG interface or by starting a special ISP code,
located in the boot area of the Flash. For normal Bluetooth
operation, no jumpers are required on J6 or J7.

Table 2-4. P1 DP9 Pin Assignments

Pin # Signal Name Description
1NC No Connect
2RDX UART Receive Data input
3TDX UART Transmit Data output
4NC No Connect
5GND Ground
6NC No Connect
7RTS# UART Ready-To-Send output
8CTS# UART Clear-To-Send input
9NC No Connect

Table 2-5. JP1 JTAG Connector Pin Assignments

Pin # Signal Name Description
1RESET# Reset - active low
3NC No Connect
4GND Ground
5NC No Connect
6GND Ground
7TMS JTAG Test Mode Select
8GND Ground
9TDI JTAG Test Data input
10 GND Ground
11 TCK JTAG Test Clock input
12 GND Ground
13 TDO JTAG Test Data output
14 GND Ground
15 NC No Connect
16 GND Ground
17 NC No Connect
18 GND Ground
19 RDY# JTAG Test Ready output - active low
20 NC No Connect

Table 2-6. J4 Pin Assignment

Pin # Signal Name Description
1TIO4_BB Test Point - internal use only
2TIO3_BB Test Point - internal use only
3GPO2 General Purpose Output - not currently
4GPO1 General Purpose Output - not currently

Table 2-7. J5 Pin Assignment

Pin # Signal Name Description
2D- USB D- upstream port
3D+ USB D+ upstream port
4GND Ground USB

Table 2-8. J6 Pin Assignments

Pin # Signal Name Description
1GND Ground
2ENV0 Refer to Table 2-10 for logic matrix

Table 2-9. J7 Pin Assignments

Pin # Signal Name Description
1GND Ground
2ENV1 Refer to Table 2-10 for logic matrix