RUDDER – A vertical metal device used to steer the boat
RULES OF THE ROAD – Regulations for preventing collisions on the water.
SACRIFICIAL ANODE – Metal parts fitted to the hull of boat to provide a transfer of ions to the cathodic part of an electrolytic coupling and so protect other parts of the boat that would otherwise waste away through electrolysis
SLIP – The linear distance between the pitch (or advance) and the actual distance the propeller moves straight ahead through the water.
SPEEDOMETER PICKUP TUBE – Also called pitot tube. The plastic device that extends below the bottom of the boat. It connects to the speedometer with plastic flexible tubing.
SPRING LINE – A mooring rope oriented at a small angle to the boats centerline, usually attached to the boat mid ship.
STAND ON BOAT – Term for the boat that must maintain course and speed in meeting or crossing situations. The privileged boat.
STARBOARD – The right side of the boat when looking towards the bow.
STERN – The aft end of a boat.
STRINGER – Members under the floor that stiffen the hull bottom.
SURGE BRAKES – A type of trailer braking system designed to automatically actuate when the tow vehicle’s brakes are applied.
TRANSDUCER – The unit that sends/receives signals for the depth sounder.
TRANSOM – The transverse beam across the stern.
TRIM – Fore to aft and side to side balance of the boat when loaded.
UNDERWAY – Boat in motion; i.e., not moored or anchored.
USCG – United States Coast Guard
VISUAL DISTRESS SIGNAL – A device used to signal the need for assistance such as flags, lights and flares.
WAKE – The waves that a boat leaves behind when moving through the water.
WATERLINE The line of the water’s edge when the boat is afloat.
WATERWAY – A navigable body of water.
WETTED SURFACE – The area of the immersed hull plus underwater gear.
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