Configuration options for your Netopia R310 ISDN Router..............1

1. Small Office connection to the Internet........................... 2
2. Small Office connection to the Internet........................... 3
3. Direct Connection to a Corporate Office (Telecommuter).. 4
4. Configured to accept incoming dial-up connections.......... 5

Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1 — Introduction.......................................................... 1-1

Overview....................................................................... 1-1
Features and capabilities ............................................... 1-1
How to use this guide .................................................... 1-2

Chapter 2 — Making the Physical Connections.......................... 2-1

Find a location............................................................... 2-1
What you need .............................................................. 2-1
Identify the connectors and attach the cables.................. 2-2
Netopia R310 ISDN Router Back Panel Ports................... 2-3
Netopia R310 ISDN Router Status Lights......................... 2-4

Chapter 3 — Setting up your Router with the SmartStar t Wizard3-1

Before running SmartStart ............................................. 3-2
Setting up your Router with the SmartStart Wizard ........... 3-3
SmartStart Wizard configuration screens ............... 3-3
Easy option.......................................................... 3-4
Advanced option .................................................. 3-8
Sharing the Connection.................................................. 3-9
Configuring TCP/IP on Windows 95, 98, or NT
computers ...........................................................3-9
Welcome to the Netopia R310

User’s Reference Guide

. This guide is designed to be your single
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You can keep this document open while you perform any of the procedures described, and find
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