7-8 User’s Reference Guide
If you choose to transmit RIP, the TX RIP Policy pop up menu appears. You can select Poison Reverse (the
default), Split Horizon, or No Split Horizon.
■Poison Reverse speeds convergence but adds to network overhead. When topology changes, mentioning
routes that should not go through the router as well as those that should can speed up convergence.
■If you select Split Horizon (“without Poison Reverse” is implied), the router omits routes learned from an
interface from RIP updates sent on that interface. Split Horizon without Poison Reverse has the advantage
of minimizing network overhead in large network configurations at the expense of slower convergence.
■No Split Horizon is suitable for partially meshed networks. A partially meshed network is a WAN in which
one or more nodes do not have logically direct connections to all other nodes. In a star or partially meshed
topology, you may need to disable Split Horizon so the routers can learn about other networks.
Delayed Remote Configuration Change ToggleThe Netopia R310 supports delaying some configuration changes until after the router is restarted.
If your router is preconfigured by your service provider, or if you are not remotely configuring the router, you can
leave this setting unchanged.
The purpose of this feature is to defer configuration changes only when remotely configuring or reconfiguring the
router to prevent premature console disconnection. When this feature is enabled, no changes to the WAN
setup, datalink encapsulation, Connection Profiles, DLCIs, or Default Gateways will take effect until after the
router is restarted. Until the router is restarted the WAN link and the routing table remain unaf fected.
A single setting in the Choose Interface to Configure screen controls this feature, as shown below.
IP Parameters (Default Profile)
Default Subnet Mask:
Filter Set (Firewall)...
Remove Filter Set
Receive RIP: +------------------+
Transmit RIP: +------------------+
TX RIP Policy... | Poison Reverse |
| Split Horizon |
| No Split Horizon |
WAN Configuration
Menu Choose InterfaceWAN
Setup to Configure