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n film and TV shooting, a microphone fishpole is of-
ten used to get the microphone as close to the speaker
as possible in a given situation. Shotgun microphones
are frequently used for this. But miniature microphones
– for example, ones with a hypercardioid pattern – pro-
duce comparable directivity indices. When working in
small spaces with microphones placed near sound-re-
flecting walls, the cardioid pattern can be very advanta-
geous, since it does the best job of minimizing the
amount of backward reflection picked up.
For use with windscreens, etc., see the section “Pop
Screens and Windscreens”.
Mono Applications
Very small and flexible combinations are offered for
mono applications.
The Smallest Variants
The lightest solution is to mount the active capsule on
the upper part of the SGE100 stand mount. Togeth-
er, the capsule and the swivel mount weigh approx. just
AK... + LC 3 KA + SGE 100 (Top) + MA
Alternatively, the same flexibility can be achieved with
the enclosed SG-AK swivel joint. This solution weighs
KM... + SG-AK + MA
The Elastic Variant
Interference through body noise cannot be avoided en-
tirely when there are fast movements of the microphone
fishpole. Then the EA2124 A elastic suspension in-
cluded with our microphone fishpole should be used.
KM... + EA 2124 A + MA
Stereo Applications
The MS stereo configuration is usually used for stereo
setups on the microphone fishpole. In this arrangement,
usually a cardioid (AK40) or hypercardoid (AK 50)
capsule is used for the middle signal and combined with
the diagonal figure-eight characteristic of the AK20.
For other coincident or semi-coincident techniques,
see the section “Stereo Applications”.
The Smallest Variant
The two active capsules are mounted on the rotatable,
swiveling STH 120 stereo mount and result in an MS
system with a total weight of just 150g.
AK20 + AK ... + 2x LC 3 KA + STH 120 + MA
The Elastic Variants
If the microphones are supposed to be elastically sus-
pended, the DA-AK and DA-KM elastic suspensions
provide solutions both for active capsules with capsule
extension and for complete miniature microphones.
AK20 + AK ... + 2x LC 3 KA + DA-AK + MA
KM120 + KM ... + DA-KM + MA
Windscreens and windjammers are available for such
applications. (See the section “Pop Screens and Wind-
Note: Two active capsules can be powered and ma-
trixed by the MTX191 A matrix amplifier, see the sec-
tion “Introduction/Power and Matrixing”.