16 17
swivels to permit adjustment of the active capsule. The
cable is held in place by the clamp of the MNV100
and the entire setup is suspended from the ceiling.
AK ... + MNV100 + LC 3 KA
The Elastic Variant
If additional mechanical decoupling from the ceiling is
required, then the microphone can also be suspended
from the ceiling in an elastic suspension. On the one
hand, any accessory can be screwed onto the 1/2”
threaded neck of the MNV87 mt auditorium hanger,
while on the other hand, the entire setup can be sus-
pended from its own cable. For example, a complete
miniature microphone in an EA2124 A elastic suspen-
sion can be mounted on the MNV87 and suspended
from the ceiling on its own cable.
KM ... + MNV87 mt + EA 2124 A + XLR Cable
Stereo Setups
The MNV87 mt auditorium hanger also makes it pos-
sible to connect the STH100 (for XY and ORTF ste-
reophony) or STH120 stereo mount (for MS ste-
reophony) to the microphone cable. This makes it pos-
sible to suspend a nearly invisible stereo setup right
from the ceiling and swivel it into the correct orienta-
2x AK... + MNV 87 mt + STH 100 (/ STH120) +
2x LC3 KA
Of course, it is also possible to suspend the DS110
and DS120 double swivel mounts.
w/o fig.:
2x KM... + DS 110 / DS120 +
MNV87 mt + XLR Cable
Overhead Miking
The KVF 158KA capsule extension can also be used
with an SG100 stand mount for inconspicuous mik-
ing of instruments, etc. Thanks to the gooseneck, the
active capsule can be aimed from above at the sound
source. The STV… stand extension, when mounted
on the MF4 table stand or a floor stand, makes it pos-
sible to reach virtually any height.
AK... + KVF 158 KA + SG 100 + STV 60 + MF 4
The DS100 double mount is offered for stereo appli-
cations or miking two different areas.
w/o. fig.:
2x AK... + 2x KVF 158 KA + DS100
STV60 + MF 4
requently it is necessary to position microphones as
inconspicuously as possible without using a stand. Over-
head variants in which the microphone is suspended
from the ceiling are ideal in such situations. Thanks to
their low weight, the miniature microphones of the
KM100 series can be fastened by their own cables with-
out any problems. The same holds true for the LC3 KA
cable (just 3.5mm thick) used to connect the de-
tached active capsules to the output stage. Using an
additional thread, it is possible to attain precise and sta-
ble positioning of the microphone(s).
Especially in concert halls and theaters, suspended mi-
crophones are frequently used as permanent installa-
tions, both above the orchestra and for miking the re-
verberations in the hall and the audience.
The Simplest Variant
The MNV 21 auditorium hanger holds the complete
microphone and swivels to permit adjustment. The mi-
crophone cable is held by a clamp device, and the en-
tire setup is suspended from the ceiling.
KM ... + MNV21 + XLR Cable
The Smallest Variant
An active capsule is connected to the output stage us-
ing the LC3 KA cable. The plug end of the cable snaps
Photo courtesy of the Sydney Opera House Trust, Australia 2001