To activate the Scanning regime press and hold the A button in
Ready mode. The unit will work in the Scanning regime while
the A button is pressed.
Scanning or Individual Measurement regimes are available for
any selected mode of measurement. When two parameters are
measured in the Scanning regime though both will be quickly
displayed, the second one may be difficult to register by eye.
Nevertheless all data is recorded and may be recalled (see Data
Recall mode for details.)
Operation and service modes
The unit has the following modes of operation:
Ready to Measure – to perform measurements
(Quick link to the Standard1 and Standard2 sets of
measurement parameters appears in mode selection
menu for convenience and does not constitute a separate
Setup – to modify the Ready to Measure mode parameters,
Gating – to set a minimum distance of measurement,
Data Recall – to recall the last 10 measurement results,
Data Clearance – to clear measurement results.
In the Setup mode four parameters of measurement can be set;
these parameters define:
1. What the unit measures: distance or azimuth or elevation or
all measurements at once,