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and marksare not usedto identify registered trademarksand trademarksin these instructions.
Thismanual was correct and completeat the time of printing. However,specifications and updatescan
occurat a nytime without prior notice. No part of this manual may be copied, republished, reproduced,
transmitted,or distributed in any way without prior written consent ofNe xtar, Inc. Any unauthorized
distributionofthis manual is expresslyforbidden.
NextarTMis a trademark of Nextar(Hong Kong) Limited.
Nextarmay findit necessaryto modify,amend or otherwisechange or update this manual.We reserve the
rightto do this at any time, without anyprior notice.All specifications and featuresare subject to change
withoutnotice.All screens hots shownare simulated and may not representthe actual screen on production
units sold to consume rs.
Forinstructionmanuals, updated driversor other information,be sure to visit our websiteat:
www.Nex tar.com
Orwrite to us at:
1661Fairplex Dr.
LaVerne,CAUSA 91750
Copyright 2007