i920 and i930 Wireless Email Setup Guide
Introduction Wireless Email Options
There are two primary ways to set up your i920 or i930 Smartphone to wirelessly synchronize your email, so you
can send and receive email messages from your Smartphone:
Corporate Email – Synchronize the Outlook Email, Calendar, and Contacts on your Smartphone with
Microsoft® Outlook® Email, Calendar, and Contacts on your Microsoft® Exchange server 2003.
Note: If your company does not use Microsoft® Exchange server 2003, there are other solutions available that
may enable you to wirelessly synchronize with your corporate email, depending on the other type of email
server you have. Go to Sprint.com for more details.
Personal Email – Connect to a POP3 or IMAP4 email server to send and receive Internet email messages
from your Smartphone. You can also use Pocket Internet Explorer to view Web-based email, but this guide
deals with using Messaging on your Smartphone to check POP3 or IMAP4 email accounts.
Making Sure You Have the Correct Data Access Plan
Before setting up email on your new i920 or i930, make sure you have updated your data plan to one with
unlimited access. Users who rely on email or other data services to keep them connected “on-the-go”, typically
require frequent data use and need a plan that includes a data access bundle. This will ensure that you don’t
incur extra charges every time you synchronize email or go to a web site – unlimited data access plans allow you
to access everything you need to – as many times as you need to – without any extra charges. To be sure you
have the right plan, talk to your sales representative or call Sprint Customer Care at 800-639-6111.
Last updated: 11/20/05 1