i920 and i930 Wireless Email Setup Guide
Setting Up Corporate Email, Calendar, and Contacts
Your i920 or i930 Smartphone includes Outlook Email, Calendar, and Contacts applications. You can
synchronize these applications with your corporate Email, Calendar, and Contacts if your company is using
Microsoft Exchange 2003 with ActiveSync. When you set up your Smartphone to wirelessly synchronize, the
Email, Calendar, and Contacts on your phone synchronize with your Outlook on the corporate Exchange server.
Only those applications that are marked for synchronization on your Smartphone are copied in this manner.
Note: If your company does not use Microsoft Exchange server 2003, there are other solutions available that may
enable you to wirelessly synchronize with your corporate email. Go to Sprint.com for more details.
To set up your corporate email account, locate the following information before you begin:

Make sure your email is running on Microsoft Exchange 2003

Get your corporate network server domain name and server name (these may be the same as your

company’s Webmail log-in information, or you can get the information from your system administrator)

You must also know your Exchange user name and password to synchronize with the server

Once you create a connection, you can edit the connection later to stop synchronizing a particular application
(Email, Calendar, or Contacts) or change how much information is synchronized.

Configuring a Connection with Your Exchange Server

1 If your Smartphone is connected to your desktop computer, disconnect it.
2 On the Home screen, select Start.
3 Select ActiveSync.
4 Select Menu and then Options.
5 Select Server Settings.
6 Select Connection.
7 In User name, enter your Microsoft Email account user name.
8 In Password, enter your Microsoft Email password.
9 In Domain, enter the name of the domain of your Exchange server.
10 If you want your Smartphone to save your password so that you need not enter it when connecting, select
Save password.
11 If configuring a Server Name, enter the name of your Exchange server.
12 Select Done.

Setting the i920 or i930 to Wirelessly Synchronize with Outlook

You can set up your Smartphone to wirelessly synchronize with your corporate Email, Calendar, and Contacts, if
your company is using Microsoft® Exchange server 2003.
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select ActiveSync.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
4 Select Server Settings.
5 Select the synchronization settings to edit: Calendar, Contacts, or Inbox.
Last updated: 11/20/05 2