Step5: Attaching Monitor Grilles
The M5 and M6 are designed to sound the best
when the grilles are used (they may sound
slightly bright if played without the grilles). To
install them, line up the four pins on the back of
the grille with the four rubber cups located in the
corners of the Monitor’s front baf fle. Firmly press
all four corners of the grille until the pins seat
against the rubber cups.
Note: The M5 and M6 grilles are intentionally
curved. The grille curve is a design element that
completes a larger curve when a Monitor is
attached to a B5/B6 subwoofer module or either
pedestal stand. The curve is shallow enough
that it may go unnoticed when the monitors are
placed on shelves. The illustration to the right
shows how an Evolution tower looks when the
grille is installed.