2.2 Parts List
M5 or M6 Monitor Carton:
M5 or M6 monitor
Grille carton:
Third foot
(2) Thumbscrews
(2) Plastic washers
(4) Rubber feet
Warranty card
W1 Carton:
Subwoofer cabinet for the U1 System
(4) Rubber feet
Warranty card
W2 Carton:
Subwoofer cabinet for the U2 System
(4) Rubber feet
Warranty card
X1 Carton:
X1 Active crossover
Power supply
Warranty card
A1 Carton:
A1 Amplifier
Power cord
Dual Subwoofer Adapter
Warranty card
K5 or K6 (tower assembly kit) Carton:
Mounting buttress
Monitor connection harness
(2) Aluminum stabilizer bars (for B5 or B6)
(4) ¼ - 20 spikes with lock nuts
(4) Metal cups
(4) ¼ - 20 machine screws
(7) 10-24 machine screws
(6) Rubber feet
B5 or B6 (left or right) Bass Module Carton:
Tower Base enclosure
Warranty card
P5 or P6 Carton:
P5 or P6 Pedestal
Metal mounting plate
Stabilizer bar carton:
(4) ¼ - 20 spikes with lock nuts
(4) ¼ - 20 machine screws
(5) 10-24 machine screws
(2) Wire channel brackets
(1) Wire channel
(4) 6 - ¾ flathead screws
(2) Aluminum stabilizer bars (for
P5 or P6)
(4) Metal cups
(8) Rubber feet
Warranty card