I n c r e d i b l e d i g i t a l u n w i r e d
S h a r e m e m o r i e s o n t h e g o
B i g o n s p e e d . S m a l l i n s t a t u r e .
S t e l l a r p i c t u r e s a n d a s h a r p 3 - i n c h L C D s c r e e n
Smoke Gray
Deep Red
Midnight Black
The freedom of Wi-Fi capability
The world’s first implementation of the WPS*
*Among digital cameras as of July 2, 2008 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation).
The world’s fastest start-up time in its class
Featuring the world’s fastest
*Among compact cameras equipped with 28mm (35mm format equivalent) zoom lens and optical vibration reduction as of July 2, 2008 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation).
Optical VR image stabilization
Nikon’s optical VR image stabilization compensates for camera shake to produce clearer, sharper results in lower light or unsteady conditions. In addition, Motion Detection lets you take great pictures free of complicated operation by automatically increasing shutter speed and raising the ISO setting to compensate for camera shake and subject movement.
Automated and optimized shooting modes
Nikon’s new Scene Auto Selector provides carefree shooting in a variety of situations by recognizing the setting and automatically selecting the appropriate scene mode. Active Child Mode enhances the shooting experience by automatically following the movement of your subject to ensure clear focus.
Unbeatable speed and knockout good looks
Featuring the world’s fastest
*Among compact cameras equipped with 28mm (35mm format equivalent) zoom lens and optical vibration reduction as of July 2, 2008 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation).
Ultra-compact design featuring a 3.0-inch LCD
The COOLPIX S610 packs high performance,
Fully automated shooting ease with advanced shooting modes
Nikon’s new Scene Auto Selector provides carefree shooting in a variety of situations by recognizing the setting and automatically selecting the appropriate scene mode. Active Child Mode enhances the shooting experience by automatically following the movement of your subject to ensure clear focus.
Optical VR image stabilization
Nikon’s optical lens shift VR image stabilization compensates for camera shake to produce clearer, sharper results in lower light or unsteady conditions. In addition, Motion Detection lets you take great pictures free of complicated operation by automatically increasing shutter speed and raising the ISO
setting to compensate for camera shake and subject movement.
Other features
•10.0 effective megapixel clarity
•Food Mode enables white balance adjustment on the LCD monitor for desired color tones
•Smile Mode to help ensure smiles on the faces of loved ones
Midnight Black
Other features
• 10.0 effective megapixel clarity
• 4x
• ISO 3200 capability
• Food Mode enables white balance adjustment on the LCD monitor for desired color tones
• Smile Mode to help ensure smiles on the faces of loved ones
ISO 3200 capability
Light sensitivity range up to ISO 3200 creates new opportunities to take sharper, more