2.1.2Introducing Audio Dynamics
The human ear can detect the noise generating by falling leaves as well as the roar generated by the taking off
space shuttle. Unfortunately no analog, nor digital device can reproduce such wide spectrum. Please look at Chart.1
and you will see the difference if dynamic capacity of various devices when compare to the human ear.More pro-
blems occur when handling high level signals and low level signals. When you reach the high level limit you may
incur in distortion because of the dynamic range of the instrument therefore a certain "reserve" must be maintained
to avoid distortion. This reserve is known as "headroom" and it is usually set at 10-20 dB. Wouldnot be easier just
to reduce the operating level? Yesit would but you would put low level music signals at the same level of the basic
noise floor so the overall quality of the signal would be highly deteriorated. Please look at Chart. 2 and note the
Usable dynamic range (including headroom) versus high level distortion generated by peaks, and Noise floor level.