15Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Your device may have some bookmarks loaded for sites not affiliated with Nokia. Nokia does
not warrant or endorse these sites. If you choose to access them, you should take the same
precautions, for security or content, as you would with any Internet site.
Important: Only install applications from sources that offer adequate protection
against harmful software.
■GPRSGPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a network service that allows mobile
phones to be used for sending and receiving data over an Internet Protocol (IP)-
based network. Via a GPRS connection you can, for example, send and receive
multimedia messages (network service).
To use the GPRS service, subscribe to it through your network operator or service
provider and save the GPRS settings for the functions that you want to use over
the GPRS network. For information on pricing, availability and data transfer speed,
contact your network operator or service provider.
Note that for some applications, such as browsing WAP or xHTML pages, you may
be able to select either GPRS or GSM data (CSD, Circuit Switched Data).
For information on the indicators shown during a GPRS connection, see GPRS
connection on page 63.