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Time and date settingsTo access this menu: Press Menu in standby mode, and select Settings and Time
and date settings. Select
•Clock to set the time, show (or hide) the time in standby mode or select the 12-
hour or 24-hour time format and the time zone. If the battery is removed from
the phone for a long time, you may need to set the time again.
The clock settings apply to several functions such as Messages, Call register,
Alarm clock and Calendar.
•Date to show (or hide) the date in standby mode, set the date or select the date
format or date separator. If the battery is removed from the phone for a long
time, you may need to set the date again.
•Auto-update of date & time to set the phone to automatically update the time
and date according to the current time zone (network service).
Automatic update of date and time does not change the time you have set for
the alarm clock, calendar or alarm notes.
Personal shortcutsYou can select the function for the right selection key shown in standby mode and
the functions (’personal shortcuts’) that can be accessed by pressing Go to in
standby mode or by entering the Go to menu.
To access this menu: Press Menu in standby mode, and select Settings and
Personal shortcuts. Select