42Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To insert an image, press Options and select Insert.
Open a specific folder in the Gallery menu, scroll to the desired image or
sound, press Options and select Insert.
Your phone supports multimedia messages that contain several pages. To
add a new slide to the message, press Options and select Insert and Slide.
Each slide can contain text and one image.
Select Options and:
Previous slide, Next slide or Slide list to navigate between slides.
Slide timing to define how long each slide is shown.
Place text first or Place text last to move the text position.
To insert a business card or a calendar note for a compatible device, press
Options and select Insert and the desired option.
To insert a name or number from the contacts list, press Options, select
More options, and Insert contact and the desired name or Insert number.
To delete an image or slide from the message, press Options and select
Delete and the desired function.
To save the message in the Saved items folder, press Options and select
Save message.
To add a subject to the message, press Options and select More options and
Edit subject.
To view the size or recipient of the message, press Options and select More
options and Message details.