84Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
•Download links to view the list of bookmarks for downloading content. For
more information, see step 2 in Downloading content and applications on page
•Other options to view a list of other available options. These include Save
image, Use detail (to copy, for example, a phone number from the page), Go to
address, Service inbox (see page 85), Appear. settings (see page 81), Security
(for security information and cookie setting), Clear the cache (see page 86).
•Reload to reload and update the current page.
Disconnecting from a browser serviceTo quit browsing and to end the connection, press Options, select Quit and, when
Quit browsing? is shown, press Yes. OR: Press and hold .
A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have tried to
access or have accessed confidential information requiring passwords, empty the cache
after each use. The information or services you have accessed is stored in the cache. To
empty the cache, see Emptying the cache memory on page 86.
BookmarksTo use and manage the page addresses that you have saved as bookmarks in the
phone’s memory:
1. While browsing, press Options and select Bookmarks, or select Bookmarks in
the Services menu.
2. Scroll to the desired bookmark and press Options.