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View a to-do note
1. In standby mode, select Menu >
Organiser> To-do list.
2. Highlight a to-do note, and select
Options and one of the following:
Add—Add another note.
Delete—Delete the note.
Mark note as done or Mark as not
done—Mark a note or task as
completed or not; if completed, no
more reminders will follow.
Sort by deadline—Sort the notes
according to their deadline.
Send—Send the note to another
device, as a text or multimedia
message, or as a calendar note to
another compatible device.
Go to calendar—Leave the to-do
list, and go to the calendar.
Save to calendar—Save the to-do
note to a date on your calendar.
Delete done notes—Delete all the
completed to-do notes.
Delete all notes—Delete all the
to-do notes in the list.
3. View the to-do note, and select
Edit to edit the note or Options to
select from the following:
Deadline—Set a deadline for the
note, listing any uncompleted
notes if existing.
Mark note as done or Mark as not
done—Mark a note or task as
completed or not; if completed, no
more reminders will follow.
Delete—Delete the note.
Edit priority—Change the priority to
high, medium, or low.
Send—Send the note to another
device, as a text or multimedia
message, or as a calendar note to
another compatible device.
Go to calendar—Leave the to-do
list, and go to the calendar.
Save to calendar—Save the to-do
note to a date on your calendar.
■CalculatorThe calculator in your device adds,
subtracts, multiplies, divides,
calculates the square and the square
root, changes the sign of the number
entered, and converts currency values.
Note: This calculator, designed
for simple calculations, has
limited accuracy.
1. In standby mode, select Menu >
Organiser > Calculator.
2. Enter the first number in the
calculation. Press # for a decimal
point if necessary.
To change the sign, select Options
> Change sign, or scroll up or down.