Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
About your device vii
Activate 59
Activate a voice command 54
Activate an equaliser set 44
Activate or deactivate 14
Alarm clock 61
Alarm conditions 61
Allow numbers 56
Allow or block advertisements 24
Allow or block multimedia
reception 23
An incoming call 10
Answer a call with the
keypad locked 11
Antenna 6
Anykey answer 49
Application setting 58
Assign a key to speed dial 35
Assign a voice tag to a command 53
Assign a voice tag to an entry 36
Automate voicemail 27
Automatic redial 49
Back cover
removing 7
replacing 8
Backlight timeout 48
Batteries and chargers 76
charging 8
charging times 83
information 76, 83
removing 7
replacing 7
talk and standby times 83
Battery information 76
Business cards 39
Calculator 65
Calendar 62
Call and setup voice mail 27
Call duration 31
Call forwarding 59
Call register 30
Call restrictions 57
Call settings 49
Call summary 51
Caller groups 35
Calling card 50
answering 10
in-call options 11
making 9
Cancel 59
Care and maintenance 79
Certification information (SAR) 82
Change default number 35
Change message settings 20
Change sending options 20
Change speed dial numbers 36
Change time 67
connecting 8
information 76
times 83
Choose a banner 48
Choose Go to functions 5
Clear the cache 72
Clear voice mail icon 29
Collections 69
Colour schemes 48
Compose and send 21
Conference calling 10
Configure settings 38
Contacts list 10, 34
add 34
delete 38
edit 37
send 39
view 38
Countdown timer 66
Create a custom equaliser set 44
Currency converter 66
Data or fax calls 51
Data transfer 51