Menu functions
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
•Homepage. Key in the homepage address of the service provider that you
want to use, press for a dot, and press OK.
•Session mode. Select Permanent or Temporary.
•Data bearer. Select GPRS.
•Bearer settings to set the settings for the selected bearer.
•GPRS access point. Key in the access point name to establish a
connection to a GPRS network and press OK.
•IP address. Key in the address, press for a dot, and press OK.
•Authentication type. Select Secure or Normal.
•User name. Key in the user name and press OK.
•Password . Key in the password and press OK.
•Allow adverts. You can receive or reject advertisements. This setting is not
shown if the Allow multimedia reception is set to No.
To receive the multimedia connection settings as an OTA message
You may receive the multimedia connection settings as an OTA message from the
network operator or service provider. For more information, contact your network
operator or service provider.
Font size settingTo select the font size for reading and writing messages, press Menu, and select
Messages, Message settings, Other settings and Font size.