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4. To choose whether you want to keep or delete the original names and numbers,
select Keep original or Move original.
If you select All or Default numbers, press OK when Start copying? or Start
moving? is displayed.
Sending and receiving a business card
You can send and receive a person’s contact information from a compatible device
as a business card either via IR or as an Over The Air (OTA) message if supported by
the network.

Receiving a business card

To receive a business card via IR, make sure that your phone is ready to receive
data through its IR port, see Infrared on page 118. The user of the other phone can
now send the name and phone number via Infrared.
When yo u hav e rec eive d a bu sine ss ca rd vi a IR o r as a n OTA mess age, pres s Show.
Press Save to save the business card in the phone’s memory. To discard the
business card, press Exit and then OK.

Sending a business card

You can send a business card via IR or as an OTA message to a compatible phone
or other compatible device which supports the vCard standard. You can also send
an image attached to the business card via IR, if you have saved images in the
phone’s memory.
1. To send a business card, search for the name and phone number you want to
send from contacts, press Details and Options and select Send bus. card.