Menu functions
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To discard the waiting message, press Exit and Yes. If you press No, you can view
the message.
Deleting messages
1. To delete text messages, press Menu, and select Messages, Text messages and
Delete messages.
To delete all messages from all folders, select All messages and when Delete all
messages from all folders? is displayed, press Yes. If the folders contain unread
messages, the phone will ask whether you want to delete them also.
To delete multimedia messages, press Menu, and select Messages, Multimedia
msgs. and Delete messages.
2. To delete all messages from a folder, select the folder from which you want to
delete the messages and press Yes. If the folder contains unread messages, the
phone will ask whether you want to delete them also.
E-mail messages
The e-mail application allows you to access your e-mail account via the phone,
when you are not in the office or at home. The compatible e-mail system that you
use in the office or at home may be supported by the e-mail function on your
phone. You can write, send, and read e-mails with your phone. You can also save
and delete the e-mails on a compatible PC. Your phone supports POP3 and IMAP4
e-mail servers.
The e-mail function uses shared memory, see Shared memory on page 19.