Menu functions
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Send now to send the e-mail immediately. If you have not already
connected to the e-mail account, your phone establishes the connection
first and then sends the e-mail.
Send later to send your e-mail later and the e-mail is saved in the Outbox
folder. If you want to edit or continue writing your e-mail later, you can
save it in Drafts by selecting Save draft msg..
Sending the e-mail later: Press Menu and select Messages, E-mail, Other
options, and Send now or Retrieve and send.
Note: When sending e-mails, your phone may display the words Message sent. This
is an indication that the e-mail has been sent by your phone to the e-mail server.
This is not an indication that the e-mail has been received at the intended
destination. For more details about e-mail services, check with your service
Downloading e-mail messages from your e-mail account
1. Press Menu and select Messages, E-mail and Retrieve to download e-mail
messages that have been sent to your e-mail account. Or:
Press Menu and select Messages, E-mail, Other options, and Retrieve and send
to download new e-mail messages and to send e-mails that have been saved in
the Outbox folder.
If the message memory is full, delete some of your older messages before you
start to download new messages.
2. Your phone makes a connection to the e-mail service. A status bar is shown
while your phone is downloading e-mail messages to your phone.