Virtual private networking
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Report this error to administrators, who give you a one-
time password for logon. Key in the user name and one-
time password to authenticate to the VPN policy server.
VPN client enrolls a new certificate for you.
Automatic policy server logon failed. See VPN log for details.
The validity period of the certificate that authenticates you
to the VPN policy server has not begun yet.
Check the date and time settings or wait until the validity
period of the certificate begins.
Crypto library is too weak.
If the cryptographic library that is installed on the device
is too weak, you cannot use VPN connections.
Contact administrators.
Incorrect password.
You key in an incorrect key store password or key import
Check the password and try again.
You receive the key import password from administrators.
You create the key store password yourself.
Policy server is currently in use. Unable to delete.
You cannot delete a VPN policy server while you update
VPN policies from the server. If you use an application that
creates a connection to a VPN access point, VPN policies
are automatically updated.
Wait until VPN policy update finishes and try again.
Policy server logon failed. Delete and re-create the server
The server certificate of the VPN policy server expires.
To delete the VPN policy server, select the VPN policy
server in Policy servers and press Ctrl + D.
To add the VPN policy server again, press New, or ask
the administrator for a SIS file that contains new settings
for the VPN policy server.
Policy update failed. See VPN log for details.
Policy server synchronisation failed. See VPN log for details.
An error occurs while VPN policies are downloaded from
the VPN policy server or installed on the device.
To update a VPN policy, select a VPN policy in Policies
and press Update.
To install policies from the VPN policy server, select a
VPN policy server in Policy servers and press Synchronise.
Server identity code is incorrect.
You key in an incorrect string when you are prompted to
key in the VPN policy server identity code.
Check the VPN policy server identity code carefully
against the code that you receive from administrators and
key in the missing characters again.
VPN connection activation failed. See VPN log for details.