Virtual private networking
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Scroll to view the following information about each VPN
•Description shows additional information about the
VPN policy. The description is read from the VPN policy.
Administrators define the description when they create
the VPN policy.
•Policy status indicates whether the VPN policy is ready
to use or not or whether it is already in use.
•Certificate status indicates whether valid user
certificates are available in the device.
•Policy name shows the name of the VPN policy.
Administrators define the name when they create the
VPN policy.
•Policy server name shows the name of the VPN policy
server from where you installed the VPN policy. You
give names to VPN policy servers when you define
connections to VPN policy servers. This field is hidden
if you installed the VPN policy from a SIS file.
•Updated shows the date when the VPN policy was last
updated from the VPN policy server. This field is hidden
if you installed the VPN policy from a SIS file.
Checking policy statusPolicy status can have the following values:
Active — you created a connection to a VPN access point
that is associated with the VPN policy. When you create a
connection, the VPN policy is activated.
Associated with a VPN access point — you associated the VPN
policy with one or several VPN access points. You can
select any of the VPN access points to activate the VPN
Not associated with a VPN access point — you must associate
the VPN policy with a VPN access point to activate the
VPN policy.
Note: The VPN policy details view is not
refreshed if the policy status changes while
the view is open.
Checking certificate statusCertificate status can have the following values:
OK — at least one valid certificate is available in the
device or you do not use certificates to authenticate to
VPN gateways.
Expired — lifetime of one or more certificates has ended.
If you cannot create a VPN connection, update the VPN
policy to enroll new certificates.
Missing — One or more of the required certificates cannot
be found on the device. If you cannot create a VPN
connection, try to update the VPN policy to enroll new
Not yet valid — one or more certificates are for future use.
This value might also mean that the date and time on the
device are set in the past, time zones are not set correctly,
or the daylight-saving setting is turned on.
To delete the VPN policy, press Delete.
To close the VPN policy details, press Close.