To open a file, select the file from the list. Video clips and streaming links open and
play in Video center, and music and sound clips in Music player.
To copy or move files to another memory location, select a file, Options > Move
and copy, and the appropriate option.
Sound clips
Select Menu > Media > Gallery and Sound clips.
This folder contains all the sound clips you have downloaded from the web. The
sound clips created with the Recorder application with MMS-optimized or normal
quality settings are also saved in this folder, but the sound clips created with high
quality settings are stored in the Music player application.
To listen to a sound file, select the file from the list.
To rewind or fast-forward, scroll left or right.
To download sounds, select Downld. sounds.
Streaming links
Select Menu > Media > Gallery and Streaming links.
To open a streaming link, select the link from the list.
To add a new streaming link, select Options > New link.
Select Menu > Media > Gallery.
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